Place names in the civil parish of Rahoon

PlaceWhat is itDescription
AcrestownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq. Galway. The townland is held by 6 tenants at will. Rent £4.11s. per acre. Soil light and gravelly producing potatoes and a little onions. This townland is free from stones. Houses stone cabins. Inhabitants poor. Nothing remarkable on it.
AghnacurrastreamThe name of a stream.
AhagluggertownlandProprietor Andrew H. Lynch, M.P., London. Agent William Kelly, Esq. The whole of the townland is held by Mr. Kilkelly under a lease of 41 years at the yearly rent of £10 per year. County Cess 1s. per £1. Soil of a light moory nature. Producing potatoes, barley, oats. Nothing remarkable on the land.
AilletownlandProprietor Andrew H. Lynch, M.P., London. Agent William Kelly, Esq., Barna. This townland is held by 19 tenants at will. Rent £1. 5s. per acre. Soil light moory nature, producing potatoes oats and flax. Last Cess 1s. 3d. per £1. This townland is very bad rocky mountain with the exception of a small spot joining the mearing of Cappagh road. The houses of stone, poor cabins and tenantry poor. Nothing remarkable on it.
AillebauncliffA great cliff overlooking the sea at Barna Demesne.
Albano CottagehouseThe property of the Rev. P. Daly, R. C. Priest. An occasional residence.
Allafreaghaun Village 
AllaphreaghauntownlandThe greater portion of this townland is uncultivated, other scathered parts near the centre is cultivated. Allafreachaun Village is in this townland. There is nothing remarkable to be seen in it.
Anville LodgehouseProprietor the Rev. P. Daly, Roman Catholic Priest.
Aran ViewhouseThe residence of Mr. Crofton, Stipendiary Magistrate.
ArranviewhouseThe residence of Mr. Crofton, Stipendiary Magistrate.
Ashley ParkhouseThe residence of Mr. Seymour.
AttyshonacktownlandProprietor Robert Hidges Eyre, Esq., Macroom, Co. Cork. Agent Rev. Mr. Paine, Cork. This townland is held by 9 farmers under a bulk rent of £70 yearly. No lease. Soil a rocky bad mountain. Partly bad arable and waste bog. Producing barley, oats and potatoes. Houses of stone walls and tenantry poor. There are a good deal of small springs rising in this townland. Last County Cess 1s. 6d. per £1. Nothing remarkable on it.
AttyshonuckvillageA village.
AttythomasrevaghtownlandProprietor Lord Clanmorris, New Brook, Co. Mayo. Agent Patrick Reily, Claregalway. This townland is held by 19 tenants at will. Rent £4. 10s. per acre. Soil a light moory nature, producing potatoes, bad oats and onions. This land all rocky, except a few acres joining Salt Hill Road – houses stone walls (poor cabins). Mr. Kelly of Barna Lodge receives the rent of this townland at present. This village is called Ballynagarvane. There is a small long house called [unable to read].
Aubwee RiverriverCentre of this river is townland boundary.
AwbweetownlandProprietor Thomas B. Martin, M.P., Ballinahown Castle. Agent Walter Moore, Esq., Oughterard. The whole of this townland is held by a Mr. James Quinn who has it sublet to 3 tenants and 4 cottiers at the yearly rent of £17 bulk rent. Last County Cess 2/6 per £1. Soil a light moory pasture producing potatoes, oats and flax. Houses of stone ? poor cabins and tenantry poor. There is a great deal of this townland rocky and some parts of it rather fertile. Nothing remarkable on it.
Aylle VillagevillageA village.
Ballagh Village 
Ballard EasttownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna House. Agent William Kelly, Esq., Barna. This townland is held by 6 tenants at will. Rent £2 per acre. Soil a bad, light, moory nature. Producing bad potatoes, oats and flax. Last County Cess 1s. 3d. per £1. This townland is bad rocky, wasteful and mountainous. Houses of stone walls, poor cabins and tenantry poor. Nothing remarkable on this land.
Ballard WesttownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna House. Agent William Kelly, Esq., Barna. This townland is held by 6 tenants at will. Rent £2 per acre. Soil a bad, light, moory nature. Producing bad potatoes, oats and flax. Last County Cess 1s. 3d. per £1. This townland is bad rocky, wasteful and mountainous. Houses of stone walls, poor cabins and tenantry poor. Nothing remarkable on this land.
Balls Bridgebridge 
BallyburkvillageA village.
BallyburketownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland is held by 8 tenants. No lease. Rent 7s. per acre. Last County Cess 10s. to 1s. 3d. per £1. Soil light moory nature. Producing oats and potatoes only. There is a great portion of this townland rocky and the whole of it very bad land. Houses of stone walls and tenantry very poor.
BallyhaiguewanevillageA village near the sea shore.
BallyinaddyvillageA village.
Ballymoneen EasttownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq. of Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq. Galway. This townland is held by 5 tenants. No lease. Rent £2 per acre. Last County Cess 1s. 2d. per £1. Soil of a light moory nature. Producing oats and potatoes only. This townland is very rocky and bad houses built of stone. Tenantry poor.
Ballymoneen Streamstream 
Ballymoneen WesttownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland held by 6 tenants. No lease. Rent £2 per acre. Last County Cess 1s per £1. Soil of a light moory nature. Producing potatoes and oats only. This townland is rocky mountainous and bad. Houses built of stone. Tenantry poor.
BallymuntermallyvillageA few houses.
Ballynacarrickadoogroup of housesA group of houses.
Ballynahouen Villagevillage 
BallynahowentownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland is held by 2 farmers. No lease. Rent £7. 12s. per acre. Soil a light moory nature. Producing potatoes and oats only. County Cess 1s. 3d per £1. This townland is very rocky and mountainous. Houses of stone and of bad description. Tenants poor. Nothing remarkable on it.
BallynahowntownlandThe whole of this townland with the exception of a little rocky pasture towards the North extremity is in cultivation. Furbough House is near the W. boundary. Ballynahown Hill near North, Furbogh river is the W. boundary of this townland. Furbogh Lodge and Furbogh Quay, Tramore and Barenacurragh are at the South extremity near the sea shore.
Ballynakuit W.villageThe name of a few houses.
Ballynakuit W.villageThe name of a few houses.
Ballynow Quayquay 
BarnatownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Galway. This townland is the possession of Proprietor and in which stands the House of Barna the residence of Mr. Lynch. It is two stories high with offices, garden and the Demesne well planted consisting of the whole townland. There is a blessed well in this townland called Tubber Eanna where stations are performed every Friday. It cures blindness and other diseases. There is one old chapel in this parish and in which there is a school. Number of scholars 40 boys, 45 girls. Supported by the parents, established 1800. There had been formerly a castle in this townland convenient to Barna House on the brink of the strand. No trace of it now. Some of the old people now living saw a small portion of it standing the site of it was discovered.
Barna HousehouseThis is the only house of any note in this part of the parish. It is the residence of Mr. Lynch, Esq. of the Barna Estate. There is a pretty large demesne attached and forming a pleasing contrast to the ? of the surrounding Country. The house is pleasantly situated overlooking the Bay of Galway on the opposite side of which the Clare Mountains appear. About 6 chains S. E. of the house is the site of Barna Old Castle.
Barna LodgehouseThe residence of Mr. Kelly, a neat house lately built.
Barna Old CastlecastleThere is no part of this castle now standing. The foundation is nearly traceable, no information can [unable to read] be obtained respecting it.
Barna Quayquay 
Barna Streamstream 
Barna Village 
BarnacorrapointThe name of a point on the sea shore.
BarnacranneytownlandProprietor Thomas J. Martin, M.P., Ballinahown Castle. Agent Mr. Walter Morris, Oughterard. This townland is held by 8 tenants under a lease of 3 lives. Rent £1. 1s. per acre. Last Cess 1s. per £1. Soil some mountain and waste bog a good deal of it rocky, some arable and pasture. There is a hill in this townland called Cruckafraska another called Crucknabrona. There is also a neat two story high house called Lakeview now occupied by Captain Bessett, Paymaster of Police. Nothing more remarkable in this townland.
Bath LodgehouseThe residence of Mr. Killeen.
Beggarman's Loughlake 
Belmount LodgehouseThe residence of Mr. Joyce.
Birdoobegpart of the sea shoreName of a part of the shore.
Birdoomorepart of the sea shoreName of a part of the shore.
Black RockrockThis is the principal resort of bathers during the season.
Black Rock HousehouseProprietor The Rev. P. Daly, Parish Priest, occupied by Charles Lynch, Esq.
Black RocksrockBlackrocks in the name of a bed of rocks in Galway Bay on which there is a signal to prevent vessels from approaching too near.
Blake's Hillhill 
Blake's Hilltrigonometrical stationThere is a Trigl. Station on this hill.
Bleach MillmillA mill for bleaching linens.
Boherardgroup of housesA group of houses.
Boleybeg townlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland is held by 10 tenants at will. Rent 9s. per acre. Soil a light moory nature. Producing potatoes, bad oats and flax. Last County Cess 1s. 1½d. per £1. This townland is rocky, mountainous and wasteful. It ? stone of a poor description, and tenantry very poor. Nothing remarkable to be seen on it.
BoolansrahauntownlandProprietor Francis Commin, Esq., Woodstock. County of the Town of Galway. Agent Mr. Kelly, Esq., Barna Lodge. This townland is held by 8 tenants at will. Rent £1. 1s. per acre. Soil a light moor nature. Producing potatoes and oats. Last County Cess 1s per £1. This townland is very rocky and mountainous. Houses of stone and of a poor description. Tenantry poor. Nothing remarkable on this land.
Booliabeg WesttownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq., of Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland is held by 3 farmers and 4 cottiers. Rent 9s. per acre. No. lease. Soil of a light moory nature. Producing potatoes and a part oats and flax. County Cess 1s. 2d. per £1. This townland is rocky and mountainous. Houses of stone walls and tenantry very poor.
Brick Park LodgehouseThe residence of Mr. Stephens.
BrownevillehouseThe residence of J. V. Browne, Esq.
BrownvilletownlandProprietor James Val. Browne, Esq., Galway. The whole of this townland is held by Anthony Blake, Esq. who resides in the house of Brownville. Lease of 21 years. Soil good arable pasture and meadow land. Producing wheat, barley, oats, potatoes and flax. The house of Brownville is two story high with offices and garden and the demesne neatly planted. Nothing more remarkable on the land.
Bushy Park Chapelchurch 
Bushy Park HousehouseThe property of Robert Martin, Esq.
BushyparktownlandProprietor Robert Martin, Esq. Bushy Park, County of the Town of Galway. This townland is in the hands of Proprietor with the exception of a small portion of it that is let to 6 tenants in plots of £3 a year each. Soil good arable pasture and meadow. Producing wheat, barley, oats and potatoes. Houses built of stone walls and tenantry poor. Bushy Park House is three story high with offices. Garden and the demesne is neatly planted. Nothing more remarkable on it.
Callahanafamanapart of the sea shoreThe name of a part of the shore also.
CappaghtownlandProprietor Nicholas Lynch, Esq. of Barna. Agent Martin Morris, Esq., Galway. This townland is held by 16 farmers and 3 cottiers. Rent £2. 3s. per acre. No lease. Last Conty Cess 1s. 3d. per £1. Soil of a light moory nature. Produces potatoes and oats. This townland is very rocky and mountainous with the exception of a few fields. Houses of stone and of a poor description.
Cappagh Village 
CappanaveaghtownlandProprietor Cunningham Jones, Dublin. This townland is held by Mr. Richard Lynch of Salt Hill under lease of 31 years, who sublets it to 30 tenants at will at £5 per acre. Soil light sandy clay. Producing potatoes, bad oats and spots of onions. This townland is rocky and poor houses stone walls, poor looking. There are a few neat lodges which are set to bathers during the Summer season. There is a small Fort called Cappanaveagh. There is one two story high house called Sandymount.