Other Forms of the Name with authority source (if provided) in italics:
Cill lebhair, pronounced Kill-ou-ir
Cill leabhair
Killower Beaufort's Map of Ireland
Killower Parish By. Surveyor's Sketch Map
Killower Carlisle's Top. Dictionary
Killower Down Survey 1655
Killowir Inq. Temp. Eliz.
Killower Printed Townland List
This parish contains 8 Protestants and 750 Roman Catholics according to the information furnished by the respective clergymen, Revd. John Mara, Headford Glebe and Revd. Patrick Cannavan, P.P., who resides in the townland of Carrowan[Unable to read.] In the parish of Belclare. The crops generallly sown are wheat and potatoes there is also some oats, the wheat is generally brought for sale to Tuam where it is bought , carried from thence to Galway for exportation. The soil in general is light and poor. The manure generally used is a mixture of litter, clay and mud.
Information from the Ordnance Survey Letters:
The Ordnance Survey Letters are letters between John O'Donovan and his supervisor, Thomas Larcom, regarding the work of compiling the Field Books. These letters provide further discussion on many of the places listed in the Field Books.
References to this place can be found in the following letter.