People who lived in Mt. Pleasant townland up to 1911

Databases to include

Family NameFirst NameAgeTownlandYearPublisherSource
Board of ordnance  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Buggy Mary 22Mt. Pleasant1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Clanricarde Marquis of  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Concanon Patrick  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Cosgrave Michael  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Fahy Peter  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Finn John  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation
Harney Maria 52Mt. Pleasant1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Kelly Joseph 22Mt. Pleasant1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Lynch Anne  Mt. Pleasant1855Ask About Ireland Griffith's Valuation