People who lived in Currylaur townland up to 1911

Databases to include

Family NameFirst NameAgeTownlandYearPublisherSource
Buckley Kieran 32Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Buckley Kieran 40Currylaur1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Cahill Martin 14Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Callins Jerome 65Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Canavan Michael 22Currylaur1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Coady Cronan 27Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Donnell Leo 35Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
Mc Govern Bell 38Currylaur1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland
Mulgurrn Joseph 73Currylaur1901National Archives of Ireland 1901 Census of Ireland
O Hara Francis 60Currylaur1911National Archives of Ireland 1911 Census of Ireland