Place names in the civil parish of Clonfert

PlaceWhat is itDescription
½ cartron de Gortcardademesne 
1 cartron de Lissdawilledemesne 
1/6 pte. qr de Gorttalugedemesne 
AnnaghcallowtownlandThis townland contains some small portions of bog along the West and South boundaries, also some fir plantations, several fences with trees, part of a road, a lime kiln, a few ruins, a few lanes, some farm houses, a few enclosed gardens and small fort where children are interred, a well. It is all arable except the above mentioned portion of bog.
Annaghcorribtownland½ of this townland is arable, the remainder bog. It is intersected by several ditches, lanes and -. It contains several houses and gardens. There is another small portion of arable about 2 chains N. of the Grand Canal, containing a house and garden. There is a stream running from the S. part of the townland into the River Suck.
BallyhoosetownlandThere are some portions of bog at the N and E. part of the boundary. The remainder is all arable. It contains some houses with enclosed gardens, a Trig. Point, a spring well and a few ruins. In the South part of the townland are three small mounds called Dermid and Grania’s beds and 3 ruins about 2 chs. S.
Ballymore LowertownlandThe townland contains a small portion of bog (situated at the N.W. boundary, the remainder is all arable), a Gentleman’s Seat called Ballymore Castle, with pleasure ground, gardens, orchard, lawn and offices, a threshing machine. It also contains several portions of fir planting intersected by some roads. There is a S. Well, a Danish Fort situated in the N.E. part of townland. Lieut. E. Delves Broughton, Roy. Eng.11 Aug. 1838.
Ballymore UppertownlandThis townland is all arable. There is a small portion of wood at the N. extremity. The road leading from Lawrencetown to Kiltormer passes through it. It is divided by a few long fences planted with trees, there is a stream running N., and a portion of a fir plantation at the South boundary. It contains a few houses and gardens.
BallynakilltownlandThis townland contains a number of farm houses, a grave yard, a remarkable well called Tubber Dhonobawn – a large portion of bog, the remainder arable, intersected by ditches thickly planted – the road from Eyrecourt to Banagher passes through it.
BlackstickstownlandThere is a very small portion bog at the W. boundary of this townland, the remainder is arable. It contains some houses and gardens and is intersected by lanes and fences planted with trees.
BrackloontownlandA very small portion of this townland is bog, the remainder arable. It contains a number of farm houses, a village called Parky Madden, the ruin of a castle is in its S. East angle. It is intersected with by-roads and ditches thickly planted in hedge rows.
Bushy Islandtownland and islandAn island containing no remarkable feature – all arable.
CaltraghtownlandAbout the one fifth of this townland is bog, the remainder arable. It contains a small portion of wood with a pond in the centre called “Wildfowl Decoy”. It is intersected by some lanes, fences, drains etc.. It contains some houses and gardens, 2 L. Kilns , a few S. Wells, a Danish Fort, some streams and about seven ruins.
CappaluanetownlandThis townland contains a few houses, a smithy, all arable. The road from Eyre Court to Clonfert and Banagher forms its South and West boundary.
CartatownlandThis townland contains a number of detached houses nearly one half of which are composed of sods, and a Trigl pt. The whole with the exception of a small portion of arable bordering the Shannon is bog.
ClonfertparishThis parish consists 64 townlands, about ½ arable inclusive of Clonfert and Lower Ballymore, Little Abbeylara, Lismore, Great Abbeyland, Kilborna and Eyrecourt Demesnes. The Grand Canal passes through this parish in a S. East direction. Lawrencetown is situated in the S.W. part of the parish in which there is a Police Detachment consisting of a Chief head Constable and 7 constables. 2 fairs yearly held on the 8th May and 15th December – no market. Also a school teacher named Barrett, average 70 pupils – Protestant males 4, females 2 , Roman Catholic females 15 – paid by the scholars from 1 to 2 shillings quarterly. At Clonfert cross roads there is a fair held on the 12th May. Clonfert Parochial School under the Society for discountenancing vice. James Lyons teacher, salary £12 per annum, average attendance 45, males 20 and females 15, Protestant males and females 10.
Clonfert Butsontownland and islandThis townland contains two detached portions of arable, one immediately N.S. and W. of the river Shannon which contains several houses and enclosed gardens attached with some limekilns, ruins. The Grand Canal crosses fron E. to W. boundary in connection with which there are several drains. The other portion of arable S.W. of canal contains a portion of furze, a fir pl. and some farm houses and enclosed gardens, & a Police Barrack. In the N. portion of bog is a Trig. Station and 2 loughs, one of which is called “Lough Kemmeen”.
Clonfert DemesnetownlandThe whole of this townland is arable and contains Clonfert Palace with pleasure ground, walks, garden, woods, crops etc. attached, a cornstand, some offices and S.W. two pumps also belonging to the palace, at the N. boundary there is a portion of fir plantation. It also contains a Trigl. Point, some avenues, ruins, long fences planted with trees, a Lime S. Quarry and a L.K.
Clonfert Demesne BogtownlandThe whole of this townland is bog and is divided into two parts by the Grand Canal with which are connected several drains. The portion of the townland and N. of the Canal contains one Lough and the portion South of it contains some drains and two Loughs.
Clonfert part of Gt.Abbeylanddemesne 
Clonfert SeymourtownlandA townland all arable containing a garden, 2 houses and four offices, part of a lane and a few scattered trees.
Clonfert Seymour detachedtownlandAbout the one third of this townland is bog, the remainder arable, on the N. of the boundary is a Trgl. Station. The arable contains a S. well, a small portion of furze, several sod houses, fences, enclosures, some drains, streams and a portion of the Canal.
Clonshease PerssetownlandThis townland contains about 50 acres of bog, the remainder arable, several farm houses and gardens and part of a small Lough.
CloonconratownlandThere is a small portion of this townland bog, which is situated in the S.W. part of the townland. There is another very small portion at the South boundary, the remainder is arable, which is intersected by a number of fences most of them planted with trees. It contains a Trigl. Point, 3 L. S. Quarries, some ruins, a pool, streams, lanes and a few enclosed gardens.
CloonkeatownlandA townland containing a Gentleman’s Seat, a few detached houses, a Lime Kiln, four Gravel Pits and a large portion of planting, the remainder arable intersected with ditches, thickly planted.
Cloonshease-DalytownlandThis townland contains three houses, one of them composed of sods, - about 19 acres of rough pasture, the remainder arable.
CloonykeevantownlandThis townland is all arable and contains 2 Danish Forts, a L.S. quarry, a spring well, two houses one of which is partly in ruins.
Coolacurn NorthtownlandA townland all arable, containing about nine farm houses, an orchard three gardens, a Lime Kiln, and bounded on the N. by a road.
Coolacurn SouthtownlandThis townland contains a few farm houses, a Roman Catholic Chapel, a Lime Stone Quarry, a small portion of bog, the remainder arable intersected with ditches, thickly planted.
CoolcartatownlandThe Grand Canal partly bounds the South. About the one half of this townland is arable, the other bog, the part arable is intersected with a vast number of ditches, many of which are planted with trees. It contains several houses (with gardens attached to most of them). A Trigl. Pt., 3 Danish forts, one of which is very small called “Stantons” fort. There are several ruins, Lime Kilns, and some L.S. quarries, Spring Wells, with some small detached portion of arable surrounded by bog.
Coorinchtownland and islandAn island in which there is no remarkable feature – all arable.
Costello's Islandtownland and islandAn island – all arable.
Craghalantownland and islandAn island in which there is no remarkable feature – all arable.
Craghalan LittleislandAn island all arable.
Dog Islandtownland and islandAn island in which there is nothing remarkable – arable.
DoorastownlandOne half of this townland is arable and the remainder bog. The road from Kiltormer to Eyrecourt passes through the centre from which a lane abutts to North part of the townland along which are several houses with enclosed gardens and trees. There is a Trgl. Pt. on the N. part of the boundary. There is Danish fort in the N. part of the townland, a forge about the centre, a small portion of a Fir plantation at W. side and some detached houses.
Esker townlandAbout 1/3 of this townland is bog, the remainder arable containing a number of farm houses an old Corn Mill, a Flour Mill, Gromwells Castle, Steam Company’s Stone, a tower called Banaghers, a smithy, two brick kilns and pit, a grave yard and a holy well called Tubber Muckenagh.
Eyrecourt DemesnetownlandAbout 1/3 of this townland is planted. It contains a few houses, a kennel, a garden and orchard, also a fish pond. The road from Eyre Court to Banagher forms its S. East boundary.
FearmoretownlandThis townland contains a few detached houses and is all arable intersected with ditches some of them planted.
FynaghtownlandThis townland contains a number of farm houses, about 40 acres of bog, the remainder arable.
GarrydufftownlandThe one sixth of this townland is arable, the remainder bog. The part arable is immediately S. of the River Suck which contains several houses and enclosed gardens. It is bounded on the S. by the Grand Canal from which a stream runs into the River Suck. The townland is also divided by a drain from E. to W. boundary.
GlebetownlandThis townland is all arable and contains several portions of fir plantation, a Glebe house with offices called “St. Brandons”. There is also walks, a garden and a L. Kiln on E boundary and a Lodge at W. boundary.
Glebe of DononaughtachurchAbout the ¾ of this townland is arable, the rest bog, and is situated at the E. boundary. The arable contains several fir plantations, an avenue along which are some farm houses and enclosed gardens, an orchard, garden, pump, a few ruins, a gravel pit, a lime kiln, two S. wells, the site of old abbey.
GoatlandtownlandThis is no remarkable feature in this townland, all arable. The road from Eyre Court to Banagher passes through the northern part of it.
Gort a Mhuilin, Demesne of Lismore demesne 
GortaloughanetownlandThe road from Eyre Court to Banagher which is planted on North side passes through this townland. It is all arable and contains three habitable houses and a few in ruin.
Great AbbeylandtownlandThis townland contains two Gentlemen’s Seats called Abbey Land House and Abbey Land Cottage. Several farm houses , 3 Lime Stone Quarries, several Gravel Pits, 4 Danish Forts, a Trigl pt., a pool called Loughanbron and two others, the most northern lying on the mearing being called Poolnabulogue. There are some detached portions of planting in this townland and shrubs – all arable, intersected by ditches thickly planted in hedge rows.
Great Islandtownland and islandAn island in which this is a Spring Well –all arable.
InchinaskeaghtownlandA townland possessing no remarkable feature, all arable.
InisheetownlandThis townland contains no remarkable feature, is intersected by a few drains, all arable.
KankillytownlandAbout ½ of this townland is bog, the remainder arable, intersected by ditches and drains, thickly planted in hedge rows. It contains several farm houses and orchards.
KeenaghantownlandThis townland is all arable containing a few farm houses, a Wind Mill which is used as a Trigl. Pt. and three gravel pits.
KillaltanaghtownlandAbout 1/5 of this townland is bog, the remainder arable. It contains a Gentleman’s Seat called Hemmings Ville and near it on the North side of the road a Spa well, a police Station, several farm houses and orchards, a Trigl. And 16 chains West of it another SpaWell. There are some small portions of plantation. The road from Lawrencetown to Banagher passes through it.
KilleraghtownlandAbout ½ of this townland is bog, the remainder arable intersected with ditches thickly planted. It contains a few farm houses and several orchards.
KillevnytownlandThis townland is all arable except a small portion of bog in the N.E. part – it is bounded on the W. by the road from Lawrencetown to Eyrecourt. It contains five Danish Forts four of which have the following names viz.:- Liskeevan, Liskella and Lisdaghvilla. It also contains a farm yard in which is a S. Well and about 2 cha. S. of yard are 3 ruins. There are four L. S. Quarries, 2 Gravel Pits, a farm house and garden. It is intersected by lanes and fences planted with trees.
KillorantownlandThis townland contains several farm houses, a Lime kiln and Gravel Pit, a small portion of bog, the remainder arable, intersected with ditches thickly planted in Hedge rows.
KilmacshanetownlandThe Grand Canal passes through this townland for about 2 miles in a N.W. direction with bog on either side, about 1/6 of arable containing a number of farm houses, a school, Lime Kiln and Trigl. Pt. The road from Lawrencetown to Banagher passes through it, it also contains a spa well and fort and burial place.
KilmacshanetownlandAbout 40 acres of this townland is arable, the remainder bog. It contains a few farm houses and ruins and two spring wells.
KilnaborristownlandThe townland contains two Gentlemen’s Seats called Shannon View and Shannon Grove, with offices, a Police station, a Corn Kiln and Mill, a Brick Kiln, several farm houses, and Grave Yard called Cruckawndubh – a large portion of this townland is planted, about 1/3 of it is arable, the remainder bog. The road from Eyre Court to Banagher passes through it.
KylemoretownlandAbout the 3/5 of this townland is bog. The Grand Canal passes from E. to W. boundary, the arable part is divided by several fences or lanes. It contains a number of farm houses with enclosed gardens attached. It also contains a Trigl. Point, a Lock on Canal and a police station at the above lock.
LaurencetowntownlandThis townland is all arable except a small portion of bog situated at the N.W. extremity. It contains a town called Laurencetown in which is a R. Catholic and Methodist Chapel, Post Office, Police Barracks, a School, Market house, a pound, and some public houses, with several enclosed gardens attached. It is intersected by several leading roads.
Lehinchtownland and islandAn island containing nothing remarkable, all arable.
LenamoretownlandA townland all arable, intersected by a few ditches and streams, and contains 2 houses, one garden, a fence with trees and a L. S. Quarry.
LisbegtownlandA townland all arable, except a small portion of bog at the S. boundary. It contains a portion of the road leading from Laurencetown to Banagher, a Lime S. Quarry, an old sand pit, about 5 houses, one ruin, some patches of furze, an orchard, some scattered trees. It is intersected by several fences with trees along them.
LisgartownlandThis townland contains about 9 acres of bog, the remainder arable, also a number of detached houses and a Danish Fort.
Lismore DemesnetownlandThis townland contains Lismore Castle and offices and several detached houses, two fish ponds and a bathing pond, a Danish fort and Trigl. Pt., a small portion of planting, bog and shrubbery, the remainder arable, intersected by roads and ditches planted in hedge rows.
LispheastytownlandThis townland contains a few farm houses – two Danish Forts, one called after the townland, the other Lismuil, a pool called Parkawerra – about 3 acres of bog and 10 acres of furze, the remainder arable.
Little Abbey LandtownlandThis townland contains the site of an Abbey, several farm houses, two Lime Kilns, a large portion of planting and bog, the remainder arable intersected by ditches and drains.
MoatytownlandAbout ½ of this townland is arable, the remainder bog. It contains a Danish Fort and a road (which passes through the centre) leading from Kiltormer to Eyrecourt on which are two houses.
MoneenaheeltiatownlandThis townland is nearly all arable having a small portion of bog at the E. boundary. It contains some houses and gardens, with some fences, lanes etc. and the road from Lawrencetown to Clonfert passes the N. part of it. There is a spa well in the N.E. extremity, it also contains about 12 ruins, a pool and some trees along the fences.
MuingtownlandAbout the 1/6 of this townland is bog, the West arable. It contains some farm houses, an orchard, a few gardens, and fences with trees.
Nun's AcretownlandA townland, all arable. It contains three houses and a ruin of a Nunnery and a Lime St. Quarry. It also contains the ruins of a R. C. Chapel.
OghilbegtownlandThis townland contains a village called Oghil with several enclosed gardens attached and the ruins of Oghil Castle. There are a few spring wells, some detached houses, one road and few lanes and a small portion of bog at the South boundary, the remainder is arable.
OghilmoretownlandThis townland is all arable except a small portion of bog situated at the W. extremity. It is intersected by some roads to and from Lawrencetown. It contains some houses, several of which are ruins. There is also the ruins of a Corn Mill situated near the E. boundary. There are a few spring wells and two Limestone Quarries.
ReasktownlandThe Grand Canal goes through the townland, in a N. West direction. It contains several farm houses, a Police Station and Trigl. Pt., - about 2/3 of it is bog, the remainder arable.
RooauntownlandThis townland contains a number of farm houses, a large portion of bog, the remainder arable. The road from Eyre Court to Banagher passes through it.
RooghantownlandThis townland is all arable. It contains a few lanes, one of which passes through the centre of the townland along which are some houses and several enclosures.
SrahauntownlandA townand about 1/5 arable, the remainder bog. The portion of it arable contains some farm houses and enclosed gardens attached and an orchard, some fences along which are trees, three ruins, three S. wells, a few houses, some streams. The bog part intersected by a small portion of the Grand Canal with some drains and South of Canal is a Trigl. Pt. called Coolcarty bog or Strahane.
Sycamore HilltownlandThis townland contains a small portion of bog at the N. boundary, the remainder is arable. It is divided by several ditches planted with trees. There are a few houses, a Trigl. Pt., immediately South of which is a farm house and garden with some trees. There are some houses and a few ruins in the interior of the townland.