Place names in the civil parish of Drumacoo

PlaceWhat is itDescription
Aran CottagehouseA cottage.
Ballanderreen (village)village 
Ballanderreen Fortfort 
Ballanderreen Loughlake 
BallinderreentownlandProprietor A. F. St. George, Esq., Tyrone House. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., Galway. This townland is rented at £71, lease of one life. Soil light clay. Produce wheat, oats and potatoes. The R. C. Chapel stands on the E. boundary built by subscription 70 years ago. There is a straggling village named after the townland and near it a fort. There is a School established 1836.
Ballinderreen Bridgebridge 
BallyvullauntownlandProprietor A. F. St. George, Esq., Tyrone House. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., of Galway. Most part of this townland is held by the proprietor for grazing. There are tenants at will, seemingly very poor. The soil is light clay and rocks. Produce wheat, oats, potatoes and flax. Rent 20s. per acre.
Bird IslandislandBelongs to Killeenarra townland. This is rather a large rock.
Brandy Harbourharbour 
CartrontownlandProprietor A. F. St. George, Esq., Tyrone House. Agent J. O’Hara, Esq., Galway. The townland pays £43, lease of one life and one year. Soil light clay and rocks. Produce wheat, oats and potatoes. A great portion is flooded in winter. There is a Fort called Rathgall.
CrosheentownlandProp. A. French St. George, Esq., Tyrone. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., Galway. This townland pays £62 and held by 11 farming tenants at will. Soil light clay and rocks. Produce wheat, oats and potatoes. There are three public houses in this townland, tenantry poor. Houses stone. To the western boundary at the Ballinderreen cross roads there are a few straggling houses.
DrumacooparishThis parish derives its name from an old ruin and burying ground situated in the townland of Drummacoo, its greatest extent from East to West is 5 British miles, its greatest breadth from North to South is 1¾ miles. It is divided into 10 townlands. The principal roads leading through this parish are from Galway to Kinvarra and the nearest market town to this parish is Kinvarra and Galway where all commodities are bought and sold.
DrumacootownlandProprietor A. F. St. George, Esq., Tyrone House. Agent J. O’Hara, Esq., Galway. Rent 26s. per acre – no lease. Here is an ancient church in ruins and St. Sornach’s Grave, well and bush. The proprietor has a cemetery in the grave yard. The village is called Newtown Drummacoo.
Eddy Hillhill 
Eddy Pointpoint 
Eddy Villagepoint 
Fiddaun Islandtownland and island 
IllaunacrushaislandThis small island belongs to Killeenarran townland.
Island EddytownlandProp. Thos. Reddington, Esq., M.P., Kilcornan. Agent Mr. O’Flaherty, Inischill. This townland pays £200. Tenants at will. Soil light clay. Produce wheat and oats. There are 24 Tenants appearing very poor. Houses of stone. To the east of the island stands a village called Eddy.
KilleenarantownlandProp. A. French St. George, Esq., Tyrone House. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., Galway. Rent 20s. per acre. No lease. Soil light clay and rocky. Produce wheat and potatoes and contains 54 farms. There was a grave yard formerly from whence the townland took its name. The tenants seemingly poor. The prop. occupies 12 acres.
KilleenaranvillageThis is the largest village in the parish. There are about 61 houses, containing about 360 inhabitants.
Knockapreaghauntrigonometrical stationThere is a Trigl. Station on this hill.
KnockathanlahanhillA hill.
Mweenish AranislandThis island belongs to Killeenarran townland.
Newtown Church (in ruins)church 
Newtown Drumacoo Villagevillage 
Pollhollow part of the roadThis is a hollow part of the road at Killeenarran village.
RingeelauntownlandProp. A. French St. George, Esq., Tyrone. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., Galway. Lease for ever. Soil light clay. Prop. Occupying this townland for grazing.
Ringullaan Pointpoint 
Site of Killeen Grave Yardgraveyard 
St. Kit's Quayquay 
St. Sorney's Bed 
St. Sorney's Wellwell 
St. Surney's Bush and Station monumentmonument 
Station Monumentsmonument2 mounds or hillocks are to be seen S. of Drumacoo townland round which stations were formerly performed.
TobercallaghwellA well.
TyronetownlandProp. A. French St. George, Esq., Tyrone. Agent John O’Hara, Esq., Galway. Lease for ever. Soil light clay. Produces wheat, oats and potatoes. The prop. occupies this townland. There is a beautiful mansion house on it, the residence of the prop. Cruckapreachan is the name of a hill to the west of Tyrone Court.
Tyrone Baybay 
Tyrone Court HousehouseThe residence of A. F. St. George, Esq.