Place names in the civil parish of Kilchreest

PlaceWhat is itDescription
Ashfield HousehouseThe name of a gentleman’s house.
Ballangarrytrigonometrical stationThe name of a trigl. station.
Ballangarry HousehouseA house known by that name.
BallingarrytownlandThis townland is all pasture and tillage of a good quality. It contains one Danish Fort, a site of Old Castle, one well called Macduagh’s Well, one R.C. Chapel, one Corn Mill, two ponds or pools and one Trig. Station. It is the property of Mr. Burke. Rent per ace £1.10 to £2.00. Co. Cess half yearly 1s. 3d.
Ballingarry ChapelchurchThe name of a R. C. Chapel.
BallycuddytownlandThis townland is all pasture and tillage but about 1/6 of which is bog. It contains one site of Old Chapel, one pond and three Danish Forts, one of which is on the Eastern boundary. It is the property of Dudley Persse, Esqr. of Roxboro.Yearly rent per acre £1.10.0 to £3.0.0.
BallynacurraghtownlandA large and long townland mostly arable. It contains a portion of bog on the S. West, two Danish Forts, 1 Danish Fort on the Western boundary, 1 Trigl. Station, and three groups of cabins.
BallynagrantownlandA small townland nearly square, all arable. It contains one pond and a place called “The Three Kings Gap”. It is the property of Mess. Wilton and Ervin.Yearly rent per acre £1.5.0. to£1.10.0. County Cess 1s. 3d. half yearly.
BoggauntownlandThis is a small townland, all arable, of a light description and the property of Mess. Wilton & Ervin Esqrs. It contains nothing remarkable. Yearly rent £1.5.0. o £1.10.0 per acre. County Cess 1s. 3d half yearly.
CalluraghgraveyardThe name of a burying place.
DeerparktownlandThis townland is the property of Dudley Persse, Esqr. of Roxboro who holds it as a Demesne. It contains one pool or pond, an old Castle and a Trig. Station. It is also a part of Roxboro Demesne.
Deerparktrigonometrical stationA Trigl. Station.
EskershanoretownlandThis townland is all arable, about two thirds of it is contained in the Demesne of Rocksborough. Nothing in it remarkable.
Glebe of KilchreestglebeThis is a very small townland and is the property of the Right Honourable and Revd. William O’Gready who holds it as a Demesne. It contains nothing remarkable.
GorteenanillauntownlandThis is a long and narrow townland chiefly pasture of a very good quality, with a small portion of bog. It contains nothing remarkable but a graveyard, and is the property of Myles? Wilton and ?.
GortnamackantownlandThis townland is all pasture and tillage of a very good quality and about one third of it a Demesne. It contains one old Castle, and is the property of Dudley Persse, Esqr. of Roxboro.Yearly rent per acre £1.11.0. County Cess 1s. 3s. half yearly.
Gortnamannagh EasttownlandThis townland is all arable, but about one fifth of which is bog. It contains nothing remarkable but a graveyard called Caluragh. It is the property of Mr. R. Power Yearly rent per acre. County Cess half yearly.
Gortnamannagh WesttownlandThis is a long and narrow townland about two thirds of which is arable and the remainder bog. It contains nothing remarkable but one Danish Fort. It is the property of Mr. Robert Power.
KilchreestparishThis parish is in the Diocese of Kilmacdhuagh. It is a small parish having one Demesne on the west. It is mostly all arable and, it contains 8 Danish Forts, 3 Trigl. Stations, 2 castles in ruins, the site of another, 3 grave yards , 1 Chapel in ruins, the site of another and 1 large village, a nursery, an old Bleach House, and an old well called Tubber McDuagh. There are some portions of bog in its northern parts.
KilchreesttownlandThis townland is all arable of a very good description. It contain one old Chapel and Graveyard, one village or town, a pound, two ponds, a Constabulary and a nursery. It is the property of Dudley Persse, Esqr. of Roxboro.Yearly rent from ½ to £1 per acre.
Knockaunglasstrigonometrical stationA Trigl. Station.
LackabauntownlandThis is a small and irregular townland the property of Dudley Persse, Esqr. of Roxboro – who holds it as a Demesne. It contains one pond and a Danish Fort and is very well wooded; it is also a part of Roxboro Demesne.
LoughbelsrahlakeThe name of a Lough in which the junction of Kilchreest, Killinan and Killeenadeema is formed.
Milmount HousehouseThe name given to a gentleman’s house.
ReaskrevaghtownlandA small and irregularly formed townland, all arable. It contains nothing remarkable.
Three Kings GapgapA gap so called.
TobermacduaghwellThe name given to a blessed well.